Emergency dentistry to the rescue: Relieve pain, preserve your healthy smile in Chevy Chase, MD

The American Dental Association reports that more than two million people visit the ER each year due to dental conditions, notably toothaches. Many of these costly and traumatic emergency visits could have been prevented with ongoing visits to friendly professional teams like Health 360 Dental in Chevy Chase, MD. Led by Drs Erick Hosaka and Valerie Cassis, our office practices proactive dentistry. The toothaches that may indicate serious oral and periodontal infections can often be prevented with routine check-ups, which include oral exams and professional cleanings by our skilled, well-trained hygienists. 

We can even prevent some types of dental injuries, such as those caused by blows to the face while playing sports. Custom-fitted mouthguards, for instance, optimally protect your teeth and jaws from trauma, and they fit comfortably, without interfering with the respiration you need when running, jumping, throwing, or otherwise moving and competing! With that being said, even those patients who are most diligent about their oral hygiene and most careful about protecting their teeth can still sustain injuries that require prompt care. We encourage you to contact us immediately. Our schedules are designed to accommodate emergencies without delay. Dental emergencies can take on many forms. We’ve listed some of those potential emergencies below and what to do about them immediately before you visit us:

  • An aching tooth – Rinse your mouth with warm water. Use floss (not a toothpick or other sharp object) to dislodge food or other irritating debris.
  • Tooth fractures – Here again, rinse your mouth with warm water. Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the outside of the affected part of your face. Use gauze to apply pressure to the affected site if bleeding is present.
  • Avulsed (knocked-out) teeth – Hold the tooth carefully by the white part (the crown). Keep the attached tissue intact. Gently place the tooth back into its socket. Please don’t force it. Alternately, put the tooth in a container full of milk or salt water to preserve it. See us ASAP. We may be able to “re-root” and save your natural tooth.
  • Damaged dental restorations – For broken fillings, crowns, or other dental work, use an OTC dental cement or adhesive, or even toothpaste or sugar-free gum to hold parts of the crown in place or to “fill in” the damaged cavity.

Some oral infections can quickly turn into medical emergencies that require care at the hospital ER. Abscesses can spread to other parts of your face and body and even cause a systemic infection (sepsis). These deeper infections are often accompanied by alarming symptoms such as problems swallowing or breathing. 

Fortunately, distressing and painful conditions such as toothaches caused by decay are easily avoided. Please do not wait for problems with your teeth and gums to interfere with every aspect of your life before you call us; however, it is nice to have peace of mind that we are there for you to resolve pain and restore your health quickly. Call us at (301) 686-5255
